Moisturizer in this sweltering summer?? Yes, you need it

Moisturizer in this sweltering summer?? Yes, you need it - Keya Seth Aromatherapy


  • Does your skin feel dry, parched and hot?
  • Is it itchy and searing?
  • Are you suffering with a burning feeling on the skin without any visible signs of damage?
  • Is there a sudden redness, mild swelling or roughness on the skin?

If your answer to any of the above questions is “Yes”, your skin needs immediate mending. 

Global warming is not anymore something that only the penguins need to worry about; the effects of global warming have reached each one of us through a steep climatic change. The Gangetic plane, which has always been infamous for its highly humid summer, is now quickly losing the moisture content in air. “Loo” which was particularly specific to the dry zones of Bihar, Jharkhand, UP and parts of north India even a few years back, is now wreaking havoc in West Bengal too.

Hot summer

Multiple studies have shown, regular heat exposure even for a minimum time, can damage the skin seriously. Heat disrupts the extracellular matrix of the dermis and introduces changes in the structural proteins. It can even alter the DNA and cause dilation of the blood vessels, making the damages permanent.      

So, even if you are not worried about your complexion, it is important that you take the needed measures to ensure that the summer heat cannot burn your skin, causing damages that can accelerate not only skin aging but can also trigger skin cancer.

Staying in AC rooms, is it the solution then?

Not at all.

While the summer heat is ravaging your skin, the Air Conditioner is not doing any good to it either. You might feel relieved once you are in an Air-Conditioned environment when the temperature outside is leaping over 40 degrees Celsius, but it is not the same for your skin. Air-conditioners suck out all the moisture from the indoor air and hence unless you are using a separate humidifier along with the AC, your skin is sure to lose its natural moisture and become dry. Extreme dryness can turn your skin overly sensitive and dull.

For people spending more than 8 hours a day in an Air-Conditioned environment it is really important to take extra measures in order to ensure that the lost moisture from their skin is replenished adequately. Skin dryness is the main reason of pre-mature skin aging and hence staying in the AC regularly for hours can make your skin look much older than you are.

The solution

Now let us get to the solution or shall we say the right prevention that can save your skin from summer heat as well as from the dryness of Air-conditioner. The best thing is that, you really need not to opt for any drastic measure to save your skin this summer.  All you need is the right moisturizer.

A good moisturizer works as a protective layer on the skin. At one hand, it prevents the damages caused by heat exposure and on the other it stops the continuous loss of moisture due to the dry AC- environment. A moisturizer will also provide hydration and anti-oxidants to the skin that can improve the natural protective mechanism of the skin, preventing any kind of damage caused by heat or dryness.

Suggested products for the problem: Lotus Face Wash, Cucumber Water Toner, Fresh Dew Moisturizer for dry skin, Umbrella SPF 75 liquid & SPF 50 powder.  

In case the hot, searing feeling does not ease in 3-4 days after using the above products, contact Keya Seth Aesthetic & trichology Clinic for a thorough examination of your skin by our experienced skin specialists.



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