নিমের তেল

Neem Oil

নিম তেলের উপকারিতা ও বৈশিষ্ট্য

  • নিম গাছ হিন্দুদের পবিত্র বৃক্ষ এবং আয়ুর্বেদিক ও ইউনানী চিকিৎসার একটি উল্লেখযোগ্য উপাদান হিসেবে বিবেচিত হয়। এর পাতা, বাকল, বীজ এবং শিকড়ে বিভিন্ন ফার্মাকোলজিকাল সক্রিয় উপাদান রয়েছে, যার মধ্যে রয়েছে অ্যান্টিসেপটিক, অ্যান্টি-ইনফ্লেমেটরি, অ্যান্টি-ডায়াবেটিক, অ্যান্টিব্যাকটেরিয়াল এবং অ্যান্টিফাঙ্গাল প্রভাব। (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)
  • নিম এসেনশিয়াল অয়েল (মার্গোসা তেল) বীজের হাইড্রোডিস্টিলেশন দ্বারা প্রাপ্ত হয়। এটি অ্যারোমাথেরাপিতে ব্যবহৃত হয় না। নিমের প্রয়োজনীয় তেল সম্পর্কে সাহিত্যে খুব কম তথ্য রয়েছে। নিম তেলের উপর সমস্ত গবেষণা বীজের স্থির (উদ্ভিজ্জ) তেল নিয়ে। যা হয় ঠান্ডা চাপ বা বিভিন্ন দ্রাবক সঙ্গে নিষ্কাশন দ্বারা প্রাপ্ত করা হয়. (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)  
  • নিম তেল একটি ত্বকের যত্নের উপাদান, সার, পোকামাকড় প্রতিরোধক এবং কীটনাশক। (মুহাম্মদ জাহাঙ্গীর লতিফ, 2020)  
  •  নিম তেল থেকে নিমবিনিন, নিম্বিডিন এবং নিম্বিন নামে তিনটি পণ্য প্রথম পাওয়া গেছে। (মুহাম্মদ জাহাঙ্গীর লতিফ, 2020)
  • নিমের তেলে চারটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ফ্যাটি অ্যাসিড রয়েছে, যার মধ্যে দুটি স্যাচুরেটেড, যেমন স্টিয়ারিক এবং পামিটিক অ্যাসিড। একটি মনোস্যাচুরেটেড অ্যাসিড একটি ওলিক অ্যাসিড এবং একটি পলিআনস্যাচুরেটেড ফ্যাটি অ্যাসিড একটি লিনোলিক অ্যাসিড। (মুহাম্মদ জাহাঙ্গীর লতিফ, 2020)  
  • নিম তেল খুশকি, সোরিয়াসিস, স্কেলিং এবং চুল পড়া সহ মাথার ত্বকের অবস্থার জন্য অনেক উপকার দেয়। (যোগেশ এস কোলেকার, 2021)  
  • এটি টিক্স, মাছি এবং উকুন নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতে সাহায্য করে। এটিতে অ্যান্টি-ইনফ্লেমেটরি, অ্যান্টিঅক্সিডেন্ট, অ্যান্টিসেপটিক এবং নিরাময়ের বৈশিষ্ট্য রয়েছে। (পাটিল, 2023)  
  • অ্যান্টি-ইনফ্ল্যামেটরি, অ্যান্টিঅক্সিডেন্ট, অ্যান্টিসেপটিক এবং নিরাময় বৈশিষ্ট্য সহ, এটি ব্রণ, সোরিয়াসিস এবং একজিমা এবং ত্বকের বার্ধক্যের লক্ষণগুলির মতো ত্বকের বিভিন্ন রোগের চিকিত্সা করে, যেমন বলিরেখা, পুরুত্ব এবং লালভাব। (সাগর এন. আন্দে, 2022)  
  • এটি ক্ষত নিরাময়ের জন্য একটি সুবিধাজনক এবং কার্যকর উদ্ভিদ থেকে প্রাপ্ত তেল হিসাবে বিবেচিত হয়। (মারিয়া লেটিজিয়া মানকা, 2021)  
  • উল্লেখযোগ্য উপাদান হল ট্রাইটারপেন যা লিমোনয়েড নামে পরিচিত, সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ হল আজাডিরাকটিন, যা বেশিরভাগ কীটপতঙ্গের উপর 90% প্রভাব ফেলে। (Estefânia VR Campos JL, 2016)  
  • কীটনাশক হিসাবে, নিমের তেল মশার কামড় থেকে ব্যক্তিগত সুরক্ষা হতে পারে। (শর্মা এসকে, 1995)  

নিম তেলের তথ্যঃ

INCI: Azadirachta indica বীজ নির্যাস (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)। 

নিম তেল, মারগোসা তেল (অ্যান্টন সি. ডি গ্রুট, 2016) নামেও পরিচিত 

প্রতিশব্দ: Melia Azadirachta L (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)।

সিএএস নম্বর: 84696-25-3 

পরিবার: Meliaceae (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)।


কোসিং তথ্য:  

সমস্ত ফাংশন: ত্বক কন্ডিশনার 

বর্ণনা:Azadirachta indica বীজের নির্যাস হল Azadirachta indica, Meliaceae (Anton C. de Groot, 2016) এর বীজের নির্যাস

সুবাস: একটি তৈলাক্ত, কাঠ এবং ধুলোবালি, সামান্য প্রাণীজ গন্ধ (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)। 

রঙ: হালকা বাদামী পরিষ্কার মোবাইল তরল (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)।

নিম তেলের ইতিহাস

নিম মেহগনি পরিবার Meliaceae থেকে একটি দ্রুত বর্ধনশীল চিরহরিৎ গাছ যা 15-20 মিটার উচ্চতায় পৌঁছাতে পারে। গাছটি দক্ষিণ ও দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব এশিয়ার শুষ্ক বনাঞ্চলের আদিবাসী। এটি ভারত, নেপাল, পাকিস্তান, বাংলাদেশ, শ্রীলঙ্কা, মায়ানমার, থাইল্যান্ড, মালয়েশিয়া, ইন্দোনেশিয়া এবং ইরানে ব্যাপকভাবে বিতরণ করা হয়। তবে নিম উত্তর-পূর্ব ভারত, মায়ানমার এবং বাংলাদেশের স্থানীয় বলে মনে করা হয়।

নিম গাছ হিন্দুদের পবিত্র বৃক্ষ এবং আয়ুর্বেদিক ও ইউনানী চিকিৎসার একটি উল্লেখযোগ্য উপাদান হিসেবে বিবেচিত হয়। নিমের পাতা, বাকল, বীজ এবং শিকড়ে বিভিন্ন ফার্মাকোলজিক্যালি সক্রিয় উপাদান রয়েছে, যা অ্যান্টিসেপটিক, অ্যান্টি-ইনফ্লেমেটরি, অ্যান্টি-ডায়াবেটিক, অ্যান্টিব্যাকটেরিয়াল এবং অ্যান্টিফাঙ্গাল প্রভাবের অধিকারী হতে পারে।

তিক্ত বীজ তেল (উদ্ভিজ্জ, স্থায়ী তেল) একটি কঠিন (রসুনের মত) গন্ধ আছে। এটি একজিমা এবং ফুরুনকলের মতো চর্মরোগগুলির চিকিত্সার জন্য এবং অন্ত্রের কৃমি সংক্রমণ থেকে মুক্তি দিতে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

নিম এসেনশিয়াল অয়েল (মার্গোসা তেল) বীজের হাইড্রোডিস্টিলেশন দ্বারা প্রাপ্ত হয়। নিম অপরিহার্য তেল সম্পর্কে সাহিত্যে খুব কম তথ্য আছে; 'নিম তেল' নিয়ে কার্যত সমস্ত গবেষণাই বীজের স্থির তেলের সাথে সম্পর্কিত, যা হয় ঠান্ডা চেপে বা বিভিন্ন দ্রাবক দিয়ে নিষ্কাশন করে বা নিম গাছের পাতা বা ফুল থেকে প্রয়োজনীয় তেল থেকে পাওয়া যেতে পারে। অ্যারোমাথেরাপিতে অপরিহার্য তেল ব্যবহার করা হয় না (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)।

নিমের তেল ত্বকের যত্নের উপাদান, সার, পোকামাকড় প্রতিরোধক এবং কীটনাশক হিসেবে কাজ করে। নেইল পলিশের মতো প্রসাধনীতে খাঁটি নিম তেল ব্যবহার করা হয়। দক্ষিণ-এশিয়ায়, প্রচুর পরিমাণে নিম তেল পাওয়া যায় এবং এটি ভোজ্য নয়। ঐতিহ্যগতভাবে, নিম তেল আলোর উদ্দেশ্যে ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে, যেমন গ্রামীণ এলাকায় বাতির জ্বালানি। প্রসাধনী, ফার্মাসিউটিক্যালস, সাবান এবং অন্যান্য ভোজ্য দ্রব্য প্রস্তুত করতে নিম তেল শিল্প স্কেলে ব্যবহার করা হয়। (মুহাম্মদ জাহাঙ্গীর লতিফ, 2020)

নিম তেল দিয়ে আমাদের পণ্য

নিমের তেলে অনেক থেরাপিউটিক উপাদান রয়েছে যা কার্যকরভাবে ত্বক ও চুলের যত্নের চিকিৎসা পরিচালনা করতে পারে। এই তেলটি অ্যান্টিব্যাকটেরিয়াল এবং অ্যান্টি-ইনফ্লেমেটরি বৈশিষ্ট্য এবং ইমিউন সিস্টেমকে শক্তিশালী করার ক্ষমতা হিসাবে স্বীকৃত।

কেয়া শেঠ অ্যারোমাথেরাপি নিমের তেল-ভিত্তিক পণ্যগুলির একটি পরিসর চালু করেছে। তারা কার্যকরভাবে ত্বক ও চুলের উদ্বেগের সমস্যা কমায় এবং আপনার ত্বক ও চুলকে স্বাস্থ্যকর করে তোলে। পণ্যের নাম...


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    Esther: November 29, 2024

    I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 3 years and 8 months, and ever since then i have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr.Ahonsie on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr.Ahonsie today on this Email address: drahonsie002@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on this Tel.Number +2348039482367 https://drahonsie002.wixsite.com/dr-ahonsie

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    alina: November 28, 2024

    Thanks to Dr Akhigbe ,I was diagnosed with Herpes in 2015 and I have tried all possible means to get cured, i even visited phonologist but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor from Africa dr akhigbe who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including herpes, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor he sent me the HERPES herbal medicine through courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by instructions on how to take it, when i take it as instructed i was totally cured of this herpes four weeks later, if you are suffering of any kind of diseases or sickness you can as well Contact this great herbal doctor on his website;https://doctorakhigberemed.wixsite.com/doctorakhigberemedie

    contact his email; www.drakhigbe2@gmail.com

    whatsapp; +2347083551316

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    Natasha Thompson: November 27, 2024

    My name is Natasha Thompson from the USA/Texas.. Am so overwhelmed with gratitude to let the world know how Dr Kachi, the great spell caster changed my life for good. It all started when I lost my job and I was down financially and emotionally because I couldn’t be able provide for my two kids and staying home all day Jobless it’s not easy until I was checking on the internet when I saw a series of testimonies hearing people winning the Powerball lottery, I didn’t believed, but being poor no job you have no option. I gave it a try and I contacted Dr Kachi who told me what i have to do before I can become a big lottery winner and I accepted. He made special prayers for me in his temple and gave me the required numbers to play the lottery game and when I used the numbers to play it, I won a massive $344.6 million Powerball jackpot. I was so happy and I choose to review my winning in any platform, I would love other people to seek help from Dr Kachi through Text and Call: +1 (209) 893-8075 or email drkachispellcast@gmail.com by his website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site

  • Author image
    Natasha Thompson: November 27, 2024

    My name is Natasha Thompson from the USA/Texas.. Am so overwhelmed with gratitude to let the world know how Dr Kachi, the great spell caster changed my life for good. It all started when I lost my job and I was down financially and emotionally because I couldn’t be able provide for my two kids and staying home all day Jobless it’s not easy until I was checking on the internet when I saw a series of testimonies hearing people winning the Powerball lottery, I didn’t believed, but being poor no job you have no option. I gave it a try and I contacted Dr Kachi who told me what i have to do before I can become a big lottery winner and I accepted. He made special prayers for me in his temple and gave me the required numbers to play the lottery game and when I used the numbers to play it, I won a massive $344.6 million Powerball jackpot. I was so happy and I choose to review my winning in any platform, I would love other people to seek help from Dr Kachi through Text and Call: +1 (209) 893-8075 or email drkachispellcast@gmail.com by his website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site

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    frances tony: November 27, 2024

    I thought the physicians says there is no cure for HSV 2!!! I am telling you today that DR.UMA cure HSV 2 with his herbal medicine and once you get cured you are cured forever it is never reversible, I have been suffering for this deadly disease called h HSV 2 for more than a 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR.UMA cure HSV, Hapatitis etc with his herbal medication and an email and watsapp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR.UMA sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but only 2weeks I feel strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via email…dr.umaherbalcenter@gmail.com WhatsApp +2347035619585. He is capable of curing AUTISM, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES.

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    Amelia Jonathan: November 27, 2024

    My name is Amelia Jonathan from the United States, Using this opportunity to thank Dr. Ughulu is a grateful thing to me, for over years I have been sick with Hepatitis B disease, I have done a lot of things to get cured of my diseases and nothing has worked out. I have taken different types of medication for it , but it still doesn’t work for me. I still keep going for a check up so that the doctor will tell me my disease has be gone, because i’m taking my medicine with no result nothing has been cured, I have spent a lot of money just to get cure of Hepatitis B. until my old time friend came to my place and saw what am going through, and then direct me to contact Dr. Ughulu who is a very powerful man, which I did explain my problem to Dr. Ughulu and send me a herbal remedy bottle and explain to me how I should drink it. So I started to drink the herbal tea in one week that I drink the herbal tea. I went for a check up to check if I’m cured from Hepatitis B disease, then the nurse told me nothing is wrong with me anymore and said I’m fine. I am the happiest person right now. I promise Dr Ughulu I will testify about his good work on the internet. Reach out to Dr. Ughulu Via: drughulupowerfulspelltemple@gmail.com Thank you so much sir for what you did for me you’re the best of all. TEXT OR CALL: +1(252) 409-1841 or website: https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu

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    Natasha Thompson: November 26, 2024

    My name is Natasha Thompson from the USA/Texas.. Am so overwhelmed with gratitude to let the world know how Dr Kachi, the great spell caster changed my life for good. It all started when I lost my job and I was down financially and emotionally because I couldn’t be able provide for my two kids and staying home all day Jobless it’s not easy until I was checking on the internet when I saw a series of testimonies hearing people winning the Powerball lottery, I didn’t believed, but being poor no job you have no option. I gave it a try and I contacted Dr Kachi who told me what i have to do before I can become a big lottery winner and I accepted. He made special prayers for me in his temple and gave me the required numbers to play the lottery game and when I used the numbers to play it, I won a massive $344.6 million Powerball jackpot. I was so happy and I choose to review my winning in any platform, I would love other people to seek help from Dr Kachi through Text and Call: +1 (209) 893-8075 or email drkachispellcast@gmail.com by his website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site

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    alina: November 26, 2024

    Thanks to Dr Akhigbe ,I was diagnosed with Herpes in 2015 and I have tried all possible means to get cured, i even visited phonologist but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor from Africa dr akhigbe who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including herpes, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor he sent me the HERPES herbal medicine through courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by instructions on how to take it, when i take it as instructed i was totally cured of this herpes four weeks later, if you are suffering of any kind of diseases or sickness you can as well Contact this great herbal doctor on his website;https://doctorakhigberemed.wixsite.com/doctorakhigberemedie

    contact his email; www.drakhigbe2@gmail.com

    whatsapp; +2347083551316

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    Sarah Vaughn: November 26, 2024

    Mrs Debo herbal medicine is a good remedy for Herpes, I was a carrier of Herpes and I saw a testimony on how Dr. Debo cured Herpes, I decided to contact him and he guided me. I asked her for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Doctor Debo natural herbal medicine is 100% guaranteed sure and safe with zero side effects. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Debo herbal medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. Debo, because he is the best online natural herbal doctor to eradicate your viral infections or diseases, reach her on  info.debo.org@gmail.com call or WhatsApp her on +2348101793937

    Doctor Debo can also cure the following:

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    Elizabeth Lucas: November 25, 2024


    Greetings to everyone here online🤗. In 2020 during the time of coronavirus I had HSV1 which I have been looking for a way to cure. I didn’t see any herbal remedy to cure me. I worried both day and night that this disease shouldn’t take away my life at an early age. I did so much research online to cure my HSV1, I couldn’t find anyone who will help me. Exactly the day I went to the hospital to take my covid-19 injection my doctor told me what to write to get a good search online so I can find a herbal spell caster to get me cured. So I really did what the doctor says, so I went home to search for a cure online and I found a spell caster called Dr ughulu who prepared me herbal remedy to cure my HSV1 and covid-19 disease. He did everything within 24 hours. Now if you’re going through all kind of disease contact Dr ughulu phone number here: CALL NUMBER: +1(252) 409-1841 You can visit his website: https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu EMAIL:drughulupowerfulspelltemple@gmail.com

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    Vivian Marcus: November 25, 2024

    Hello my name is Vivian Marcus from the United State, i’m so exciting writing this article to let people seek for help in any Break up Marriage and Relationship, Dr Kachi brought my Ex Boyfriend back to me, Thank you Sir Kachi for helped so many Relationship situation like mine to be restored, i was in pain until the day my aunt introduce me to Dr Kachi that she got her husband back with powerful love spell with help of Dr Kachi So i sent him an email telling him about my problem how my Boyfriend left me and cheating on me because of her boss lady at work i cry all day and night, but Dr Kachi told me my Boyfriend shall return back to me within 24hrs and to me everything he asked me to do the next day it was all like a dream when he text me and said please forgive me and accept me back exactly what i wanted, i am so happy now as we are back together again. because I never thought my Ex Boyfriend would be back to me so quickly with your spell. You are the best and the world greatest Dr Kachi. if you’re having broke up Ex Lover or your husband left you and moved to another woman, You do want to get Pregnant do not feel sad anymore contact: drkachispellcast@gmail.com his Text Number Call: +1 (209) 893-8075 You can reach him Website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site

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    Esther: November 23, 2024

    I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 3 years and 8 months, and ever since then i have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr.Ahonsie on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr.Ahonsie today on this Email address: drahonsie002@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on this Tel.Number +2348039482367 https://drahonsie002.wixsite.com/dr-ahonsie

  • Author image
    Esther: November 23, 2024

    I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 3 years and 8 months, and ever since then i have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr.Ahonsie on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr.Ahonsie today on this Email address: drahonsie002@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on this Tel.Number +2348039482367 https://drahonsie002.wixsite.com/dr-ahonsie

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    Olivia Stephen: November 21, 2024

    Contact Dr. Excellent love spells to return your ex-lover back.

    Everything I’m going to suggest for you is what I’ve seen breathe new life into broken marriages for thousands of women in your distressing situation—and what I did to revitalize my own broken marriage. I was heart broken when my husband left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. I tried to be strong just for the kids but I could not control the pains that tormented my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because I was really in love with my husband. I have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that directed me to Dr. Excellent a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 11hours. Me and my husband are living happily together again, This man is powerful, Contact Dr. Excellent for any kind of spiritual problems or any kind of spell or relationship problems he is capable of making things right for you with no side effect. Here his contact. Call/WhatsApp him at: +2348084273514 "Or email him at: Excellentspellcaster@gmail.com , His website:https://lovespellonline.godaddysites.com

  • Author image
    Olivia Stephen: November 21, 2024

    Contact Dr. Excellent love spells to return your ex-lover back.

    Everything I’m going to suggest for you is what I’ve seen breathe new life into broken marriages for thousands of women in your distressing situation—and what I did to revitalize my own broken marriage. I was heart broken when my husband left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. I tried to be strong just for the kids but I could not control the pains that tormented my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because I was really in love with my husband. I have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that directed me to Dr. Excellent a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 11hours. Me and my husband are living happily together again, This man is powerful, Contact Dr. Excellent for any kind of spiritual problems or any kind of spell or relationship problems he is capable of making things right for you with no side effect. Here his contact. Call/WhatsApp him at: +2348084273514 "Or email him at: Excellentspellcaster@gmail.com , His website:https://lovespellonline.godaddysites.com

  • Author image
    Emily Isla: November 21, 2024

    Hello internet viewers who came across this review, I and my husband had an issue in our marriage that made us fight and he left  me for one year. He didn’t return back home and I couldn’t bear the pain of losing my husband for another woman. I had to find a way just to make sure he’s back and it seems everything I did failed. Luckily I remember Dr Ughulu who helped me win the lottery ticket in 2019, I quickly contacted him and explained everything to him, how my husband  left  me for one year. Dr ughulu bought some items to cast a spell on him and also told me what I will do. I did everything correctly and Dr did the spell that brought my husband  back immediately to me. Dr Ughulu, thank you so much for helping me get my husband  back. VIA: drughulupowerfulspelltemple@gmail.com  

    Website: https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu

    Call number Text number: +1(252) 409-1841

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    melanin goins: November 21, 2024

    Am testifying of the miraculous work of a great herbalist doctor called Dr Oliver I have been suffering from herpes since last 2 years with my Husband but today I am happy that am cured from it with the herbal medicine made by Dr Oliver the great healer, I was browsing the Internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Oliver cured her from Herpes Disease. I quickly contacted him to get the cure and today i am now free from the Virus, Email him now for help.  Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com  you can also call him or WhatsApp (+2348110493039 

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    Daniella Gassaway: November 20, 2024

    I’M PREGNANT TODAY ALL BECAUSE OF THIS POWERFUL SPELL CASTER DR UWAIFO SEND HIM A WHATSAPP CHAT:+1(315) 277-2762 I’m Daniella from New York. I came across Dr Uwaifo post  and testimony of how he has helped people solve their problems when I was frustrated and depressed looking for help online on what to do to get pregnant after four years of childlessness. I saw great testimonies of his works and how he has put smiles on people’s faces. I contacted him via the number on his page and told him what I was going through, and he told me not to worry that I will carry my children and I claim it. Long story short, he told me what to do and I follow his instructions strictly without missing any words. I was still doing my wifey duties, few months later i got pregnant, i and my husband was so happy we now have a baby not just one but twins after years of trying Dr Uwaifo spell casting turn our situation around. Thank you for putting a smile on our face Dr. Email: druwaifospelltemple@gmail.com or whatsapp him: +1(315) 277-2762 or Website; https://druwaifospelltempl.wixsite.com/my-site-1

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    BEN WOODS: November 20, 2024

    Natural cures for herpes have been in existence before the first Olympian threw a disc or ran a race. Modern Medicine came in like a conquering hero and all the old remedies were soon forgotten and swept under the rug. It wasn’t until someone investigated all the possibilities and combinations of ancient remedies that many of the natural cures became popular.I am Ben woods, I was herpes patient for two year and have taken different prescription of drugs or medicine but there was no cure i became very sick with series of outbreaks and frustrated also, Until my friend saw and read a testimony of a lady on this blog on who was cured of herpes by prescriptions from Nature Care Health Clinic, We contacted them through their email @ Naturecarehealthclinic@outlook.com They replied us and explained to us in details about herpes in general and from the informations we provided, they were able to provide natural supplements for my condition, this natural supplements was produced by them and was sent to my address , i used them as prescribed by the doctor and to my surprise, this herbal formula worked like magic , in less than 3 weeks i noticed a great improvement just like the doctor told us and in less than a month and 2weeks i was totally cured from herpes. I am actually posting this for people out there with similar illness or condition kindly do well to reach out to them, i am confident they will be of great help to your current health condition at the moment, This clinic has been in existence for a very long time and they are well known for treating various chronic diseases and illness such as diabetes,cancer,tuberculosis,HIV/AIDS,Fibroid,hepatitis B&C,infertility etc.
    for more questions about your health conditions you can also reach out to them via their email: @ Naturecarehealthclinic@outlook.com. Trust me you will be glad you did …..

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    Susan Hargrave: November 19, 2024

    I just want to share this great testimony to appreciate Lord Vasikar. Few months back l found out I have HERPES. I had used different kinds of medication which didn’t help. Then I have to do a research and found so many interesting testimonies on the internet how Lord Vasikar helped people to cure herpes, I took his contact I found in the internet and I contacted him and he sent me herbal medication via courier service. Then i start taking the medicine according to his instruction and within 6 weeks I was free from HERPES. And for that I will always be grateful to Lord Vasikar. If you need his help, kindly contact him on WhatsApp +44 7494 422098?. Email:procurespell@outlook.com Or visit his page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088110402630 He also cures , HEPATITIS B, ALS, EPILEPSY, LEUKEMIA, ASTHMA, CANCER, GONORRHEA, EMPHYSEMA, GENITAL WARTS, ES, ULCER, HERPES, HSV-1, HSV-2, INFERTILITY, and lots more. There’s no side infects when you take this herbal medicine.

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