नीम का तेल
नीम के तेल के लाभ और विशेषताएं
- नीम का पेड़ हिंदुओं का पवित्र पेड़ है और इसे आयुर्वेदिक और यूनानी चिकित्सा में एक महत्वपूर्ण घटक माना जाता है। इसकी पत्तियों, छाल, बीज और जड़ों में एंटीसेप्टिक, एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी, एंटी-डायबिटिक, जीवाणुरोधी और एंटीफंगल प्रभाव सहित विभिन्न औषधीय रूप से सक्रिय घटक होते हैं। (एंटोन सी. डी ग्रूट, 2016)
- नीम आवश्यक तेल (मार्गोसा तेल) बीजों के जल आसवन द्वारा प्राप्त किया जाता है। इसका उपयोग अरोमाथेरेपी में नहीं किया जाता है। नीम के आवश्यक तेल पर साहित्य में बहुत कम जानकारी है। नीम के तेल पर सभी अध्ययन बीजों के स्थिर (वनस्पति) तेल से संबंधित हैं। जो या तो ठंडे दबाव या विभिन्न विलायकों के साथ निष्कर्षण द्वारा प्राप्त किया जाता है। (एंटोन सी. डी ग्रूट, 2016)
- नीम का तेल एक त्वचा देखभाल सामग्री, उर्वरक, कीट प्रतिरोधी और कीटनाशक है। (मुहम्मद जहांगीर लतीफ, 2020)
- नीम के तेल से सबसे पहले तीन उत्पादों, अर्थात् निम्बिनिन, निम्बिडिन और निम्बिन की सूचना मिली थी। (मुहम्मद जहांगीर लतीफ, 2020)
- नीम के तेल में चार महत्वपूर्ण फैटी एसिड मौजूद होते हैं, जिनमें से दो संतृप्त होते हैं, जैसे स्टीयरिक और पामिटिक एसिड। एक मोनोअनसैचुरेटेड एसिड एक ओलिक एसिड होता है, और एक पॉलीअनसेचुरेटेड फैटी एसिड एक लिनोलिक एसिड होता है। (मुहम्मद जहांगीर लतीफ, 2020)
- नीम का तेल रूसी, सोरायसिस, स्केलिंग और बालों के झड़ने सहित खोपड़ी की स्थितियों में कई लाभ प्रदान करता है। (योगेश एस कोलेकर, 2021)
- यह किलनी, पिस्सू और जूँ को नियंत्रित करने में मदद करता है। इसमें एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी, एंटीऑक्सीडेंट, एंटीसेप्टिक और हीलिंग गुण होते हैं। (पाटिल, 2023)
- सूजन-रोधी, एंटीऑक्सीडेंट, एंटीसेप्टिक और उपचार गुणों के साथ, यह कई त्वचा रोगों, जैसे मुँहासे, सोरायसिस और एक्जिमा और त्वचा की उम्र बढ़ने के संकेत, जैसे झुर्रियाँ, मोटाई और लालिमा का इलाज करता है। (सागर एन. एंडी, 2022)
- घाव भरने के लिए इसे एक सुविधाजनक और प्रभावी पौधे से प्राप्त तेल माना जाता है। (मारिया लेटिजिया मांका, 2021)
- महत्वपूर्ण घटक ट्राइटरपेन्स हैं जिन्हें लिमोनोइड्स के रूप में जाना जाता है, सबसे महत्वपूर्ण एज़ैडाइरेक्टिन है, जो अधिकांश कीटों पर 90% प्रभाव का कारण बनता है। (एस्टेफेनिया वीआर कैम्पोस जेएल, 2016)
- एक कीटनाशक के रूप में, नीम का तेल मच्छरों के काटने से व्यक्तिगत सुरक्षा प्रदान कर सकता है। (शर्मा एसके, 1995)
नीम का तेल
नीम तेल की जानकारी:
आईएनसीआई: अज़ाडिराक्टा इंडिका बीज अर्क (एंटोन सी. डी ग्रूट, 2016)।
इसे नीम तेल, मार्गोसा तेल (एंटोन सी. डी ग्रूट, 2016) के नाम से भी जाना जाता है।
समानार्थक शब्द: मेलिया आज़ादिराक्टा एल (एंटोन सी. डी ग्रूट, 2016)।
सीएएस संख्या: 84696-25-3
परिवार: मेलियासी (एंटोन सी. डी ग्रूट, 2016)।
कोसिंग जानकारी:
सभी कार्य: त्वचा की कंडीशनिंग
विवरण: अज़ाडिराक्टा इंडिका बीज अर्क अज़ाडिराक्टा इंडिका, मेलियासी (एंटोन सी. डी ग्रूट, 2016) के बीजों का एक अर्क है।
सुगंध: तैलीय, वुडी और धूल भरी, थोड़ी पशुवत गंध (एंटोन सी. डी ग्रूट, 2016)।
रंग: हल्का भूरा स्पष्ट मोबाइल तरल (एंटोन सी. डी ग्रूट, 2016)।
नीम के तेल का इतिहास
नीम महोगनी परिवार मेलियासी का एक तेजी से बढ़ने वाला सदाबहार पेड़ है जो 15-20 मीटर की ऊंचाई तक पहुंच सकता है। यह पेड़ दक्षिण और दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया के शुष्क जंगलों का मूल निवासी है। यह भारत, नेपाल, पाकिस्तान, बांग्लादेश, श्रीलंका, म्यांमार, थाईलैंड, मलेशिया, इंडोनेशिया और ईरान में व्यापक रूप से वितरित किया जाता है। लेकिन माना जाता है कि नीम पूर्वोत्तर भारत, म्यांमार और बांग्लादेश का मूल निवासी है।
नीम का पेड़ हिंदुओं का पवित्र पेड़ है और इसे आयुर्वेदिक और यूनानी चिकित्सा में एक महत्वपूर्ण घटक माना जाता है। नीम की पत्तियों, छाल, बीज और जड़ों में विभिन्न औषधीय रूप से सक्रिय घटक होते हैं, जिनमें एंटीसेप्टिक, एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी, एंटी-डायबिटिक, जीवाणुरोधी और एंटीफंगल प्रभाव हो सकते हैं।
कड़वे बीज के तेल (वनस्पति, स्थिर तेल) में एक ठोस (लहसुन जैसी) गंध होती है। इसका उपयोग एक्जिमा और फुंसी जैसे त्वचा रोगों के इलाज और आंतों के कीड़ों के संक्रमण से राहत पाने के लिए किया जाता है।
नीम आवश्यक तेल (मार्गोसा तेल) बीजों के जल आसवन द्वारा प्राप्त किया जाता है। नीम के आवश्यक तेल पर साहित्य में बहुत कम जानकारी है; 'नीम तेल' पर वस्तुतः सभी अध्ययन बीजों के स्थिर तेल से संबंधित हैं, जो या तो ठंडे दबाव या विभिन्न विलायकों के साथ निष्कर्षण या नीम के पेड़ की पत्तियों या फूलों से आवश्यक तेलों से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है। आवश्यक तेल का उपयोग अरोमाथेरेपी में नहीं किया जाता है (एंटोन सी. डी ग्रूट, 2016)।
नीम का तेल एक त्वचा देखभाल घटक, उर्वरक, कीट विकर्षक और कीटनाशक के रूप में कार्य करता है। नेल पॉलिश जैसे सौंदर्य प्रसाधनों में शुद्ध नीम के तेल का उपयोग किया जाता है। दक्षिण-एशिया में, नीम का तेल भारी मात्रा में उपलब्ध है और अखाद्य है। परंपरागत रूप से, नीम के तेल का उपयोग ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में लैंप में ईंधन जैसे प्रकाश उद्देश्यों के लिए किया जाता रहा है। नीम के तेल का उपयोग औद्योगिक पैमाने पर सौंदर्य प्रसाधन, फार्मास्यूटिकल्स, साबुन और अन्य अखाद्य उत्पाद तैयार करने के लिए भी किया जाता है। (मुहम्मद जहांगीर लतीफ, 2020)
नीम के तेल के साथ हमारा उत्पाद
नीम के तेल में कई चिकित्सीय घटक होते हैं जो त्वचा और बालों की देखभाल के उपचार को प्रभावी ढंग से प्रबंधित कर सकते हैं। इस तेल को जीवाणुरोधी और सूजन-रोधी गुणों और प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत करने की क्षमता के लिए जाना जाता है।
केया सेठ अरोमाथेरेपी ने नीम तेल आधारित उत्पादों की एक श्रृंखला लॉन्च की है। वे प्रभावी रूप से त्वचा और बालों की समस्याओं को कम करते हैं और आपकी त्वचा और बालों को स्वस्थ बनाते हैं। उत्पादों के नाम हैं...
It’s A Great News to Celebrate with you Viewer, I am truly living the life I have been looking for after Dr Kachi made me win my Powerball Lottery, I had been playing for a good 8years. It was a friend of mine who directed me to Dr Kachi because my friend Nancy has won the Powerball so many times and I don’t know how she got the match six numbers to play and win a very big amount of money, then the last time she won the Mega Millions I told her to tell me the secret on how she win. That’s when she started telling me about the powerful Dr Kachi who has been her helper. and she gave me Dr Kachi Text/Call Number:+1 (209) 893-8075 I texted the greatest spell caster Dr Kachi and I told him I wanted to win my Powerball with his spiritual rightful number and he told me I should give him 2hours to get everything done and hopefully Dr Kachi do it, and give me a winning numbers to play my ticket that make me win the prize of $223.3 Million Dollars Powerball lottery Tuesday i bought the winning ticket at the Carlie C’s IGA store in Hope Mills, that changed my life for good today, and Dr Kachi a strong spell caster and trust him when he says the results will manifest it’s Truth, God bless you Dr kachi for your kind help also can Email: drkachispellcast@gmail.com or website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site
All the symptoms of my genital herpes virus disappeared totally after I finished drinking herbal medicine from a herbalist so I went to several labs for tests and they all came out Negative. Order and get Your herbal cure for herpes virus today from: Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com by visiting his website: https://droliverherbalcent.wixsite.com/doctor-oliver
Truly, natural remedies do work. If they didn’t, we wouldn’t have used them for thousands of years. And, pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t be studying plants, taking extracts of them, and patenting them as drugs.This is not a claim or lie. I was totally cured from HSV1&2 by Herbalist His remedy is surely the best. I suggest you try him out if you are having any health challenges and also get cured too, give him a try his Email 📧 Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com his page 🫵🏻
My name is Natasha Thompson from the USA/Texas.. Am so overwhelmed with gratitude to let the world know how Dr Kachi, the great spell caster changed my life for good. It all started when I lost my job and I was down financially and emotionally because I couldn’t be able provide for my two kids and staying home all day Jobless it’s not easy until I was checking on the internet when I saw a series of testimonies hearing people winning the Powerball lottery, I didn’t believed, but being poor no job you have no option. I gave it a try and I contacted Dr Kachi who told me what i have to do before I can become a big lottery winner and I accepted. He made special prayers for me in his temple and gave me the required numbers to play the lottery game and when I used the numbers to play it, I won a massive $344.6 million Powerball jackpot. I was so happy and I choose to review my winning in any platform, I would love other people to seek help from Dr Kachi through Text and Call: +1 (209) 893-8075 or email drkachispellcast@gmail.com by his website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site
I will forever be grateful and thankful for what Dr Oliver has done for me and my family. I Was having Hepatitis for good three years with no solution, the diseases almost took my life and because I was unable to work and I was also losing lots of-6 money for medication, but one faithful day when I went online, I met lots of testimonies about this great man so I decided to give it a try and to God be the glory he did it. He cured me of my virus and I am so happy and pleased to Write about him today. If you need his help or you also want to get cured just the way I got mine, just email him below: droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com He has cure for other deadly diseases like Diabetes, HIV/Aids, Hepatitis and all types and Cancer .
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I quickly want to use this medium to share a testimony on how God directed me to a real hacker who has transformed my life from grass to grace. I thought it was impossible to recover money and bitcoins that had been stolen from people through fraudulent cryptocurrency investment until I found THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I lost $590,000 without receiving any profits in return. I was depressed and had no idea how to move forward. I told my colleague at work about it and I was referred to THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT, a cryptocurrency recovery expert. I provided all the information about the scam to them, and they were able to recover my funds within 48 hours. I really thought it would be lost forever. Their guidance and support can provide you with peace of mind. I’m truly thankful for their help in recovering all I lost. If you need their service too, here is their contact information below:
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I quickly want to use this medium to share a testimony on how God directed me to a real hacker who has transformed my life from grass to grace. I thought it was impossible to recover money and bitcoins that had been stolen from people through fraudulent cryptocurrency investment until I found THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I lost $590,000 without receiving any profits in return. I was depressed and had no idea how to move forward. I told my colleague at work about it and I was referred to THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT, a cryptocurrency recovery expert. I provided all the information about the scam to them, and they were able to recover my funds within 48 hours. I really thought it would be lost forever. Their guidance and support can provide you with peace of mind. I’m truly thankful for their help in recovering all I lost. If you need their service too, here is their contact information below:
WhatsApp (+1(520)200-2320 ), or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
I quickly want to use this medium to share a testimony on how God directed me to a real hacker who has transformed my life from grass to grace. I thought it was impossible to recover money and bitcoins that had been stolen from people through fraudulent cryptocurrency investment until I found THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I lost $590,000 without receiving any profits in return. I was depressed and had no idea how to move forward. I told my colleague at work about it and I was referred to THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT, a cryptocurrency recovery expert. I provided all the information about the scam to them, and they were able to recover my funds within 48 hours. I really thought it would be lost forever. Their guidance and support can provide you with peace of mind. I’m truly thankful for their help in recovering all I lost. If you need their service too, here is their contact information below:
WhatsApp (+1(520)200-2320 ), or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
It’s A Great News to Celebrate with you Viewer, I am truly living the life I have been looking for after Dr Kachi made me win my Powerball Lottery, I had been playing for a good 8years. It was a friend of mine who directed me to Dr Kachi because my friend Nancy has won the Powerball so many times and I don’t know how she got the match six numbers to play and win a very big amount of money, then the last time she won the Mega Millions I told her to tell me the secret on how she win. That’s when she started telling me about the powerful Dr Kachi who has been her helper. and she gave me Dr Kachi Text/Call Number:+1 (209) 893-8075 I texted the greatest spell caster Dr Kachi and I told him I wanted to win my Powerball with his spiritual rightful number and he told me I should give him 2hours to get everything done and hopefully Dr Kachi do it, and give me a winning numbers to play my ticket that make me win the prize of $223.3 Million Dollars Powerball lottery Tuesday i bought the winning ticket at the Carlie C’s IGA store in Hope Mills, that changed my life for good today, and Dr Kachi a strong spell caster and trust him when he says the results will manifest it’s Truth, God bless you Dr kachi for your kind help also can Email: drkachispellcast@gmail.com or website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site
I understand the frustration and stress associated with lost funds through investment scams. They got me and did away with almost half a million dollars. Luckily, I have some influences around who introduced me to an organization called Synack Hackers. As specialists in crypto recovery, the team of expert professionals is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses reclaim their lost money lost to investment scams. With their proven track record and exceptional customer service, they are the go-to company for fund recovery in Montreal and beyond. We were able to track them down and got the complete amount. Reach out to Synack Hackers via the following contact information.
Email: (synackhack{@}tech{-}center{.}com)
I thought the physicians said there is no cure for HSV 2!!! I am telling you today that DR. Oliver cured HSV 2 with herbal medicine and his cure is forever, it is never reversible, I have been suffering from this deadly disease called HSV 2 for more than 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR. Oliver cured HSV, Hepatitis etc. with his herbal medication and an email and WhatsApp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was a joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR Oliver sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but after only 2weeks I felt strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via Email: Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com you can also go through his website, https://droliverherbalcent.wixsite.com/doctor-oliver . He is capable of curing FIBROID, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES VITILIGO.
I thought the physicians said there is no cure for HSV 2!!! I am telling you today that DR. Oliver cured HSV 2 with herbal medicine and his cure is forever, it is never reversible, I have been suffering from this deadly disease called HSV 2 for more than 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR. Oliver cured HSV, Hepatitis etc. with his herbal medication and an email and WhatsApp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was a joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR Oliver sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but after only 2weeks I felt strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via Email: Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com you can also go through his website, https://droliverherbalcent.wixsite.com/doctor-oliver . He is capable of curing FIBROID, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES VITILIGO.
Lost Recovery Masters is renowned for its cutting-edge instruments and proficiency in monitoring cryptocurrency transactions. Lost Recovery Masters, often utilized by con artists victims , are experts in tracking down misplaced or stolen digital assets and detecting illegal activity. Their strong forensic capabilities analyze blockchain data to recover stolen crypto and offer clients clear recovery alternatives and legal remedies. Since Lost Recovery Masters have proven to be a professional and successful crypto recovery case, the team has gained global trust. Contact Below;
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Whatsapp +44(7-5-3-7-1-0-5-9-2-1)
Visit website: https://lostrecoverymasters.com/
I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Silver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Silver today on this Email address: drsilverhealingtemple@gmail.com
How To Recover Your Bitcoin Without Falling Victim To Scams: A Testimony Experience With Capital Crypto Recover Services, Contact Telegram: @Capitalcryptorecover
Dear Everyone,
I would like to take a moment to share my positive experience with Capital Crypto Recover Services. Initially, I was unsure if it would be possible to recover my stolen bitcoins. However, with their expertise and professionalism, I was able to fully recover my funds. Unfortunately, many individuals fall victim to scams in the cryptocurrency space, especially those involving fraudulent investment platforms. However, I advise caution, as not all recovery services are legitimate. I personally lost $273,000 worth of Bitcoin from my Binance account due to a deceptive platform. If you have suffered a similar loss, you may be considering crypto recovery, The Capital Crypto Recover is the most knowledgeable and effective Capital Crypto Recovery Services assisted me in recovering my stolen funds within 24 hours, after getting access to my wallet. Their service was not only prompt but also highly professional and effective, and many recovery services may not be trustworthy. Therefore, I highly recommend Capital Crypto Recover to you. i do always research and see reviews about their service, For assistance finding your misplaced cryptocurrency, get in touch with them, They do their jobs quickly and excellently, Stay safe and vigilant in the crypto world.
You can reach them via email at Capitalcryptorecover@zohomail.com
I thought the physicians said there is no cure for HSV 2!!! I am telling you today that DR. Oliver cured HSV 2 with herbal medicine and his cure is forever, it is never reversible, I have been suffering from this deadly disease called HSV 2 for more than 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR. Oliver cured HSV, Hepatitis etc. with his herbal medication and an email and WhatsApp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was a joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR Oliver sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but after only 2weeks I felt strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via Email: Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com you can also go through his website, https://droliverherbalcent.wixsite.com/doctor-oliver . He is capable of curing FIBROID, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES VITILIGO..
I thought the physicians said there is no cure for HSV 2!!! I am telling you today that DR. Oliver cured HSV 2 with herbal medicine and his cure is forever, it is never reversible, I have been suffering from this deadly disease called HSV 2 for more than 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR. Oliver cured HSV, Hepatitis etc. with his herbal medication and an email and WhatsApp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was a joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR Oliver sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but after only 2weeks I felt strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via Email: Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com you can also go through his website, https://droliverherbalcent.wixsite.com/doctor-oliver . He is capable of curing FIBROID, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES VITILIGO..
My name is Mavis Wanczyk, from Chicopee, Massachusetts. I’m excited to share my fantastic experience with Dr. Kachi, who is outstanding at lottery spell casting online. No matter where you are or how challenging your situation might be, Dr. Kachi can help you win in lotteries and other gambling games. If you’ve been searching for winning numbers without success, Dr. Kachi’s spells are known for providing the right numbers and lucky letters. Many have become millionaires after just one game using his powerful spells. I contacted Dr. Kachi shared the necessary details, and he provided me with six Powerball numbers: 6, 7, 16, 23 26, plus the Powerball number 4. I played them and won $758.7 Million! My life has changed dramatically, and I am incredibly thankful to Dr. Kachi. If you’re interested, you can reach Dr. Kachi by text or call at +1 (209) 893-8075, email him at drkachispellcast@gmail.com, or visit his website here https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site. Thank you so much, Dr. Kachi.
Do you need a quick love spells to return your ex-lover back?
Everything I’m going to suggest for you is what I’ve seen breathe new life into broken marriages for thousands of women in your distressing situation—and what I did to revitalize my own broken marriage. I was heart broken when my husband left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. I tried to be strong just for the kids but I could not control the pains that tormented my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because I was really in love with my husband. I have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that directed me to Dr. Excellent a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 11hours. Me and my husband are living happily together again, This man is powerful, Contact Dr. Excellent for any kind of spiritual problems or any kind of spell or relationship problems he is capable of making things right for you with no side effect. Here his contact. Call/WhatsApp him at: +2348084273514 "Or email him at: Excellentspellcaster@gmail.com , His website:https://lovespellonline.godaddysites.com