Geranium Essential Oil, Therapeutic, Pure & Natural, Balances Sebum, Increases Collagen & Blood Flow, Breast Toner & Regulates Hormone 10ml

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This attractive plant, often seen in hedgerows, is about two feet high with serrated, pointed leaves and small pink flowers. Has Sweet and heavy, a little like the rose with minty overtones. Has an Anticoagulant, Antidepressant, Astringent, Diuretic, Deodorant, Haemostatic, Hypoglycaemia, Insecticide, Styptic, Tonic, Vasoconstrictor, and Vulnerary.

  • BODY:

Its regulatory function on the hormonal system is helpful with pre-menstrual tension and menopausal problems such as depression and heavy periods. A good tonic for the liver and kidneys helps clear the body of toxins and is effective in throat and mouth infections. It also stimulates the lymphatic system and deals with jaundice, gall bladder stones, diabetes, and urinary disease. Effective in throat and mouth infections.

  • SKIN:

Useful for all skin conditions since it balances sebum, the fatty secretion in sebaceous glands that keep the skin supple. Eczema, Burns, Shingles, herpes, ringworm, and chilblains may respond. Also suitable for suitable congested, good overall skin cleanser. Enlivens pale skin since Geranium improves the flow of blood. Increases collagen production, Gera; Geranium hances elasticity and maintains the skin's softness and smoothness.


Enhances the breasts by increasing the blood flow. A good body tonic to the circulation, making it more fluid. During the massage, the lymph nodes get massaged, removing toxins and matter from the mammary glands and bringing a fresh supply of lymph-containing lymphocytes to recognize and kill unwanted organisms such as bacteria and viruses, boosting the immune system. It makes breasts healthier and asperser to sagging breasts. In addition, increasing collagen production enhances the skin of the breasts and nipple, nipple making it softer, supple, smoother & brighter.

  • MIND:

A tonic to the nervous system, quells anxiety and depression and lifts the spirits. It puts the mind back into balance and reduces stress through its action on the adrenal cortex.

A native of Africa, the Geranium plant was brought to Europe in the late 17th century. There are now more than 700 species, of which P. graveolens and P. odoratissimum are commonly used in aromatherapy. The Centre for commercial cultivation of geranium is on a reunion island in the Indian Ocean; However, France, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Egypt, and China are producers, and the best quality comes from Ooty in south India.

Part of Plant Used: Leaves

Method of Extraction: Steam distillation


The essential oil of Geranium is a good all-rounder. It is an anti-infection, antibacterial, antifungal, antispasmodic, and lymphatic tonic. It is effective in cleansing the body and uplifting the mind. The oil has a rich, sweet aroma and is usually greenish yellow.

Our Geranium Essential Oil is 100% Pure, Organic, Therapeutic & Steam Distilled; It can be used in diffusers and inhaled directly with 4-5 drops in handkerchiefs for freshness and relaxation.

Emotional: Highly versatile uplifting, and relaxing depending on the combination of other oils. It is used with benefits against stress; alleviates depression and anxiety: inhalation, vaporizers, baths, application, or gargles.

Respiratory: Cleansing and calming; helps to fight cold & flu; relieves throat and mouth infections. They are used in mouthwashes or gargles.

Skin: Astringent and balancing; cleanses and tones the skin and normalizes sebum secretion; reduces inflammation; relieves acne, fungal dermatitis, dry eczema, head lice, dandruff, herpes simplex, stretch marks, and minor wounds, soothes measles rashes in children. They are used in baths or applications.

Digestive: Tonic and cleansing; effective against mouth ulcers, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal. They are used in compresses, baths application, or massage.

Circulatory: Astringent, Stimulant, and antiseptic; assists elimination of waste products, can help to relieve fluid retention and cellulite. They are used in baths, applications, or massages.

Gynecological: Stimulant and regulator of hormone production; it is helpful for the pre-menstrual syndrome, menopausal symptoms, vaginal infection, and sterility. Used inhalation, compresses, baths, application, or massage.

Personal Beauty Tips:

  • Geranium oil naturally firms up the facial skin and minimizes the common signs of aging skin. Since it’s an astringent, it naturally tightens skin without reducing moisture and suppleness. Add 2drops of geranium oil to face cream and apply it twice daily until there are visible results.
  • To help treat breakouts with geranium oil, place a few drops onto a Q-tip or cotton ball and use it as a spot treatment on the affected area after cleansing.
  • To prevent breakouts, add a few drops of geranium essential oil to your moisturizer or apply it directly to all areas of your skin with a cotton ball.
  • Amino acids are the building blocks of healthy hair; they are essential in producing keratin, the protein that adds strength to hair and scalp. Geranium oil is full of amino acids. Add one drop of geranium essential oil to a small handful of your shampoo, massage it into your scalp and wash your hair as usual; apply several times a week.
  • To ease premenstrual symptoms, try adding 2drops of geranium oil and three drops of petitgrain to a warm bath. You can also use the same combination of oil in 10ml carrier oil for an uplifting massage afterward.

To help balance mood swings, add three drops of geranium, 3drops of lemon, and 4drops of orange to 20ml carrier oil and massage into your skin. This will give you a floral and citrus uplift.

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