Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil Benefits & Features

  • Excellent in reducing anxiety and emotional stress with its sedative, antidepressant effects.  (Zahra Seifi, 2014)
  • It is one of the most beneficial oils for treating Acne. (Davis, 1988)
  • A high and almost equal content of linalool and linalyl acetate makes this essential oil an excellent anti-microbial. (Marietta Białoń O. K.-Ł.-B., 2019)
  • Lavender essential oils have a pronounced healing effect on burns and sunburns. (Sellar, 1992)
  • It minimizes fungal growths, swellings, scarring and gangrenous wounds and is helpful for eczema & psoriasis. (Sellar, 1992)
  • Hair treatment with lavender oil can reduce hair loss and promotes hair growth also.  (Dr. Luxita Sharma, 2018).
  • It also can be used in relieving migraines.  (Zahra Seifi, 2014)
  • Its balancing action on the Central Nervous System is helpful in manic-depressive states. (Sellar, 1992)
  • Lavender essential oil, with sedative and calming properties, deals effectively with muscular spasms and may be suitable for sprains, strains and sharp rheumatic pains.  (Michele Antonelli D. D., 2020 ),  (Sellar, 1992)
  • Lavender aroma stimulates changes in brain activity and enhances sleep quality very quickly. (Li-Wei Ko, 2021)
  • Lavender Essential Oil is valuable in reducing menstrual pain or scanty menstruation and leucorrhea. (Davis P. , 1988)
  • A hot compression or massage with Lavender essential oil gently into the abdomen to help expel the afterbirth. (Davis P. , 1988)
  • Lavender Essential oil can be a suitable therapy for post-delivery wound care. (Katayon Vakilian, 2011)

Lavender Oil Info:

INCI: Lavandula Angustifolia Oil

Also Known as medicinal lavender, true lavender, English lavender or common lavender. (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)

Other species:

  • Narrow-leaved lavender (real, medical): Lavandula officinalis Chaix, syn. L. vera DC, L. angustifolia Mill.
  • Broad-leaved lavender (spike lavender): Lavandula latifolia Vill. (Syn. L. spica DC).
  • Lavandin, a hybrid of the two preceding species(Marietta Białoń T. K.-Ł.-B., 2019)
  • CAS Number: 8000-28-0 / 90063-37-9

CosIng Information:

All Functions: masking, tonic

Description: Lavandula angustifolia oil is the volatile oil obtained from the flowers of the lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae. iso 8902:2009

  • Act as: antimicrobial/antibacterial, perfuming
  • General effects: relaxing, calming. (Worwood, 2001)
  • Aroma: Floral, light & clear with a woody undertone. (Sellar, 1992)
  • Colour: Pale Yellowish liquid.  (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)

One of the most popular essential oils in Aromatherapy and has been used in healing since time immemorial. Lavender bags were placed in linen drawers for centuries to keep moths and insects at bay- its insecticidal properties being most pronounced. Once said to cure milder forms of epilepsy. (Sellar, 1992)

For countless millennia, cultures around the globe have been harvesting fragrant lavender for its unique therapeutic properties. As far back as biblical times, pure lavender oil was valued for healing and anointing, and the Romans used it to cook, bathe, and purify their air. Ancient Egyptians even incorporated lavender into their sacred burial rituals.

The generic name “lavender” date back to ancient times and derives from the Latin word lavare, which means washing and bathing. According to Romans, aromatic qualities and antiseptic properties were important. Therefore, lavender oil was used as a panacea, even in the case of wounds associated with tissue loss. (Marietta Białoń T. K.-Ł.-B., 2019)

It is an evergreen dwarf shrub that can grow up to 75 centimeters. The plant is native to the Mediterranean region (France, Spain, Andorra, Italy). Still, it is cultivated in many other countries as an ornamental and aromatic plant, including in Europe (especially France & Bulgaria, England, Moldova, Ukraine, and former Yugoslavia), Africa, Australia & China.  (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)

Lavender oil is an essential oil distilled from the lavender flower  (Dr. Luxita Sharma, 2018); it is undoubtedly the most versatile essential oil, with a spread of properties ranging from analgesic via antidepressant, antiseptic, bactericidal and decongestant to hypotensive, insect-repellent, sedative and vermifuge. (Davis, 1988)

Lavender oil has cosmetic uses and is also believed to have medicinal uses. The medicinal benefits of using lavender are used to treat anxiety, fungal infections, hair loss, and wound. (Dr. Luxita Sharma, 2018)

Lavender oil is one of the most valuable aromatherapy oils; its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activities can be explained by main components such as linalool, linalyl acetate, lavandulol, geraniol, or eucalyptol. (Marietta Białoń T. K.-Ł.-B., 2019)

Lavender stimulates urine production & improves digestion & reduces emotional stress and anxiety; this herb heal burn and wounds & improves sleep, improves eczema and psoriasis, reduces acne and stores skin complexion. Lavender is also used in aroma therapy.  (Dr. Luxita Sharma, 2018)

Our Product with Lavender Oil

AROMA & PROPERTIES: One of the most popular essential oils in Aromatherapy and has been used in healing since time immemorial. It is non-toxic and has a floral, light, and transparent woody undertones aroma; it has Antiphlogistic, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Decongestant, Deodorant, and Sedative properties. The lavender essential oil balances and normalizes, bringing health and harmony to the body and mind.

Rudolf Steiner suggested that Lavender stabilizes the Physical, Etheric, and Astral bodies, positively affecting psychological disorders. It appears to cleanse and soothe the spirit relieving anger and exhaustion, resulting in a calmer approach to life. Its balancing action on the Central Nervous System may be valuable in manic-depressive states. Purifies the air when used in a diffuser. Valuable for most skin conditions since it promotes the growth of new cells and exerts a balancing action on sebum. It has a pronounced healing effect on burns and sunburn and is helpful in cases of acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Also said to heal abscesses, boils, and carbuncles and minimize fungal growths, swellings, scarring, and gangrenous wounds.

Aromatic, soothing & restorative Lavender Essential Oil is nature's answer to our skincare issues, from healing dull, dry, itchy skin to reducing the signs of aging, balancing oil secretion, proper hydration, soothing effects, reducing stress, relaxing muscles & joints, enhancing moods and improving sleep quality. All this goodness can find in our Lavender Essential Oil base products.

Lavender & Rose Body Massage Oil for Women:

Designed especially for Women with Feminine aroma and properties. It is Calming & Soothing. Great Skin Tonic. It has Romantic properties. Lavender & Rose Body Massage Oil is a Light, Non-sticky & Quick-absorbing oil that improves the elasticity, texture & tone of the skin & gives an Instant Glow. For use After Bath and Before going to Bed.

Lavender Oil Research Findings

Chemical Compounds in Lavender Oil:

  • Lavandulyl acetate
  • Terpinen-4-ol
  • (E)-β-Ocimene
  • 3-Octanone
  • 1,8-Cineole
  • Lavendulol
  • Α-Terpineol
  • Camphor
  • Limonene
  • Β-Phellandrene. (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)      

Lavender has always been known in traditional medicine as a remedy that helps to achieve psychophysical relaxation. A study shows that the two main bioactive compounds (linalool and linalyl acetate) of lavender essential oil administered through massage are absorbed through inhalation and skin penetration. Their blood concentrations can be detectable 5 minutes after the massage, they tend to peak after 20 minutes, and they are usually eliminated within 90 minutes after the end of the treatment. (Michele Antonelli, 2020)

Rosehip Oil Chemical Structure
Rosehip Oil Chemical Structure
Rosehip Oil Chemical Structure

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits for Hair

Hair is a cushion against external shocks, keeps the head warm, and is a shield to protect the scalp from ultraviolet rays. Not only ageing but hair loss also has many direct and indirect causes, such as increased stress, nutritional imbalances due to westernised diets & in addition to genetic factors. (Boo Hyeong Lee, 2016 ). Telogen effluvium, androgenetic alopecia, and alopecia areata are the 3 most frequent hair loss disorders encountered in clinical practice. Various factors in the hair cycle cause hair growth and loss. (Boo Hyeong Lee M. J., 2016)

Hair follicles (HFs) are depressions in the scalp in which hair is created through the continuous proliferation of matrix cells in a growth cycle that includes various phases. The hair cycle is repeated 10~20 times during a lifetime.  (Boo Hyeong Lee, 2016 )

Lavender Oil is medicinal stuff widely applied in aroma therapy because of its sound effects on acne, eczema and sunburn by functions of anti-inflammation, sterilisation, cell growth promotion, and sebum secretion. Among various effects of lavender Oil, especially inhibition of oxidisation and skin reconstruction promoting development, make expected hair growth. (Boo Hyeong Lee M. J., 2016). It is an effective Hair Tonic too. (Sellar, 1992)

Therefore, the scientific experiment said that using Lavender Oil promotes experimental animals’ hair growth. (Boo Hyeong Lee M. J., 2016)

Another Study has reported that hair treatment with lavender oil can reduce hair loss in one month and promote hair growth over the course of 4 weeks. (Dr. Luxita Sharma, 2018).

Lavender Oil Benefits for Skin

The skin is a hugely important part of the Body. The largest organ protects us in many ways. Paying attention to skin health is crucial to your overall wellness. With some significant research backing it for its calming, sleep-promoting, relaxing, and anxiety-decreasing effects, lavender can support the skin, too. (Ginger Hultin) Lavender is one of the three Essential oils that most powerfully stimulate healthy new cells' growth. Lavender's soothing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties make it valuable for treatment. It inhibits the bacteria which cause skin infection while soothing the skin by balancing the action of over-secretion of sebum, which the bacteria thrive on, and helps reduce scarring. It is one of the most beneficial oils for treating Acne. (Davis, 1988)

The main active ingredients are monoterpenes (linalool, linalyl acetate, lavandulol, geraniol, bornyl acetate, borneol, terpineol, and eucalyptol or lavandulyl acetate) have different anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects. A high and almost equal content of linalool and linalyl acetate is required for the good anti-microbial properties of lavender essential oil. (Marietta Białoń O. K.-Ł.-B., 2019)

Lavender Oil has a pronounced healing effect on burns and sunburns and is helpful in cases of eczema and psoriasis. Also said to heal abscesses, boils and carbuncles and minimise fungal growths, swellings, scarring and gangrenous wounds. (Sellar, 1992)

Lavender oil also prevents various infections and combats bacterial and fungal disorders. This oil promotes collagen synthesis.

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits for Anxiety:

Anxiety is one of the uprising psychiatric disorders of the last decades, and lavender administration has been traditionally suggested as a possible treatment.

Anxiety disorders generally share features of excessive fear, anxiety, and related behavioural disturbances. At the same time, fear is the emotional response to an imminent threat. Anxiety is better described as the “anticipation of a future threat”. (Davide Donelli, 2019) Sedative medications are frequently used to decrease anxiety, usually associated with adverse effects such as sedation and respiratory depression. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies are safer than pharmacologic approaches and have fewer adverse effects. Aromatherapy is a natural treatment method that utilizes essential oils' chemical structure and effects. It can be applied in various forms, such as massage, inhalation, compress, and baths with herbal and mineral substances. (Zahra Seifi, 2014)

Inhalation aromatherapy is a technique in which essential oils are used in inhalation, which can decrease pain, anxiety, and depression and improve vital signs. Lavender is a widely used plant in aromatherapy, with its sedative, antidepressant, antispasmodic, antibacterial, and local anesthetic properties. It also can be used in relieving migraines and insomnia.

Studies about the benefits of lavender's aroma showed that linalool and linalyl acetate present in this plant could stimulate the parasympathetic system. In addition, linalyl acetate has narcotic effects, and linalool acts as a sedative. It improves heart function and, as a circulatory stimulant.  (Zahra Seifi, 2014)

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits for Mind:

Rudolf Steiner suggested that Lavender stabilizes the Physical, Etheric (relating to the heavens) & Astral (held in high esteem) bodies, which positively affects psychological disorders. Lavender Essential Oil appears to cleanse and soothe the spirit relieving anger and exhaustion and making peace a calmer approach to life. Its balancing action on the Central Nervous System is helpful in manic-depressive states. (Sellar, 1992)

Rosehip Seed Oil Benefits

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits for the Body:

It has a sedative action on the heart and will help to bring down high blood pressure and calm palpitations. Lavender Essential Oil is beneficial to the respiratory system and deals with such problems as bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, colds, laryngitis, and throat infections. An aid relieves tuberculosis's effects, and its antiviral properties keep infection down. It also helps to clear the spleen (apparently the seat of anger) and the liver. It increases gastric secretion and could be used for nausea, vomiting, colic, etc. It also stimulates bile production, which helps the digestion of fats. (Sellar, 1992)

Lavender Essential Benefits Oil for Pain Relieving:

Essential oils derived from plants with sedative and calming properties, lavender has always been known in traditional medicine as a remedy that helps to achieve psychophysical relaxation. (Michele Antonelli D. D., 2020 ) Its pain-relieving qualities deal effectively with muscular spasms and, in this regard, may be suitable for sprains, strains, and sharp rheumatic pains. (Sellar, 1992)

Menstrual and labor-induced pain are other pain-related conditions for which lavender aroma massage significantly benefits their symptomatic management. (Michele Antonelli D. D., 2020 ). Another study said a significant decrease in pain intensity of 118 elderly patients with chronic pain of various non-malignant origins when treated with a lavender aromatherapy hand massage.Interestingly, a randomized controlled trial shows that lavender aroma massage can provide a significant additional benefit if compared with only massage alone in the symptomatic improvement of musculoskeletal pain due to osteoarthritis. (Michele Antonelli D. D., 2020 )

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits for Sleep:

Insufficient sleep can hamper bodily function and lead to many diseases. Sleep quality is essential to health and life quality. In essential oil practices, lavender is a multipurpose oil. Aromatherapy is a non-scientific method for modifying sleep and mood. Sleep and anxiety problems occur due to physical symptoms, lifestyle changes, and psychosocial changes. To remove these sleep and anxiety problems, lavender oil inhalation is one of the nonpharmacological treatment options with fewer adverse effects than pharmacological methods. (Arzu Şentürk, 2018)

Lavender oil increased the percentage of deep or slow‐wave sleep (SWS) in men and women. It also increased light sleep and decreased rapid‐eye movement (REM) sleep. Lavender Essential Oil is a mild sedative with practical applications for deep sleep in young men and women, producing gender‐dependent sleep effects. (Namni Goel, 2009)

Linalool, a compound that can stimulate parasympathetic neurons, has long been suspected to be the key to lavender’s effect in reducing anxiety and improving sleep quality. Lavender aroma stimulus changes brain activity and enhances sleep quality very quickly. (Li-Wei Ko, 2021)

Combining oral extract intake and sleep time inhaling the oil’s aroma may achieve more significant effects than applying these two methods separately. As insomnia becomes more prevalent, lavender may provide a safe, effective way to combat sleep-related problems. (Li-Wei Ko, 2021)

Lavender Essential Oil Bemefits for Pregnancy/ Women:

Aromatherapy using essential oils is established as an alternative therapy. It is used to heal the effects of volatile essential oils on the body differently.

Lavender Essential Oil is valuable in reducing menstrual pain, or scanty menstruation and leucorrhea, either massaged gently into the lower abdomen or made into a hot compress. During labour, this essential oil will reduce both pains and strengthen contractions, thus speeding delivery if it is massaged into the lower back. It can also be used as a compressor massaged gently into the abdomen to help expel the afterbirth. (Davis P. , 1988)

Dale and Cornwell first investigated the use of lavender oil for perineal healing in 1994. They conducted a clinical trial on 635 women using lavender oil following normal vaginal delivery for perineal healing. In this study mean discomfort score was lower in women using lavender oil, with no significant side effects reported. Lavender can be used as a suitable therapy for postpartum wound care. (Katayon Vakilian, 2011)

Lavender Essential oil heals burns:

It speeds up the healing of burns. Rene-Maurice Gattefosse observed the dramatic healing effects of Lavender Essential Oil when he burnt his hand in a laboratory accident. This led him to research essential oils in greater depth. French army surgeon Dr Jean Valnet used lavender oil to treat severe burns and war injuries. Lavender is both antiseptic & analgesic, which makes it an ideal choice for treating burns and wounds. It also promotes rapid healing and helps to prevent scarring(Davis P. , 1988).

How to Use:

  • Add 2 to 3 drops of Lavender Essential Oil to Diffusers/ Vaporiser for inhalation.
  • Add 10 drops or 1 teaspoon of Lavender essential oil to mix with about 30 ml of carrier oil for a rejuvenating massage.
  • Add 8 to 10 drops of lavender essential oil to a bucket of water for a bath.
  • Add 3-5 drops of lavender essential oil in lukewarm water for a foot bath.
  • Before bedtime, sprinkle 2 to 3 drops of essential oil on the pillow cover for good sleep.
  • Take 1 to 2 drops of lavender essential oil on a hanky for the smell to reduce headache.
  • Add 2 to 3 drops in hot or cold compression to reduce skin problems & premenstrual syndromes and a cold compress for treating burns, sore feet, sprains, headaches etc.
  • To improve skin problems, texture & rejuvenation, Essential lavender oil can use for beauty treatment.
  • Mix 10 to 12 drops to half a litre of water and use as a Room Spray.
  • Lavender Essential Oil can be added to the water for cleaning the house, wiping off the kitchen counter and dining tables, and baby nappies for disinfecting.


Lavender Essential Oil can cause skin irritation.

Some people with low blood pressure may feel dull and drowsy after using this oil. It can increase menstrual flow. So best avoided in the early months of pregnancy. (Sellar, 1992)

Frequently Asked Questions: 

  • Which Lavender Oil is best?

 Lavandula Angustifolia Oil is the best essential Oil. Our Keya Seth Aromatherapy products which are Lavender Essential Oil base and Therapeutic Natural & Pure Lavender Essential Oil, are enriched with the goodness of this True Lavender.

  • Where to rub lavender oil for headaches?

To reduce the headache, take 1 or 2 drops of oil on a handkerchief and smell it or use a diffuser with Lavender Essential oil in a room for inhalation.  

  • Where to put lavender oil for sleep?

Lavender aroma stimulus changes brain activity and enhances sleep quality very quickly. (Li-Wei Ko, 2021).  Use a diffuser with Lavender Essential oil in the bedroom for inhalation or put 1 to 2 drops in the pillow cover for inhalation of the aroma.

  • How much lavender oil is added to the bath?

5 to 6 drops of lavender oil you can add to a bucket of water for your bath.

  • How does lavender oil help burn?

Because of its antiseptic and analgesic properties, Lavender Essential Oil speeds the healing of burns, cuts, scrapes & wounds. For burns, mix lavender oil with carrier Coconut oil in a 1:5 ratio for rapid recovery.

  • Where is Lavender Oil extracted from?

By steam distillation from the fresh flowering tops. An absolute and concrete are also produced by solvent extraction in smaller quantities.

  • How much Lavender Oil can you ingest?

You can orally intake Lavender Essential oil, but always take the prescribed dose under the supervision of a doctor or an experienced person.

Suggested Research Papers for Further Reading:

  • Marietta Białoń, T. K.-Ł.-B. (2019, September 8). Chemical Composition of Two Different Lavender Essential Oils and Their Effect on Facial Skin Microbiota.



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  • Author image
    VINEVIDA: October 03, 2023

    Readers can appreciate the thorough examination of lavender oil’s benefits and characteristics presented in this insightful article.

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